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I am a final year PhD student in the interdisciplinary CDT in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment at the University of Cambridge co-supervised by Professor Mark Girolami and Professor Theodoros Damoulas and co-funded by Arup and EPSRC. My PhD research focuses on eliciting individual agent dynamics from aggregate data using Markov Bases, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and Physics-informed ML. I am passionate about devising Statistical and Probabilistic Machine Learning algorithms for industry-relevant Research & Development. I have over six years of Research and Commercial experience in Finance, Commerce, Transport, Environment, and Biology.


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University of Cambridge

PhD in Computational Statistics

11/2020 - Present

  • Thesis: Probabilistic Inference in Agent-Based Models: Advancements in Population Synthesis and Simulation.
  • Collaborated with Arup's City Modelling Lab.
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University of Cambridge

MRes in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (Distinction)

10/2019 - 11/2020

  • Thesis: Stochastic modelling of urban travel demand using Metropolis Hastings and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (79%).
  • Courses: Computational Statistics and Machine Learning (83%), Research methods (79%).
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University of Warwick

BSc in Data Science (1st class)

10/2015 - 07/2018

  • Thesis: Bayesian online change-point detection for time series segmentation and forecasting in non-stationary point processes (79%).
  • Courses: Machine Learning (73%), Mathematical Statistics (79%), Topics in Data Science (82%), Artificial Intelligence (72%).
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Anatolia College

International Baccalaureate (39/45 - top 7% globally)

09/2013 - 07/2015

  • Extended essay on stock price forecasting using Statistics (35/36).
  • Courses: Physics (7/7), Mathematics (6/7), Business Management (6/7).

Work Experience

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Cervest Ltd (now Mitiga Solutions)

Statistical Scientist

09/2018 - 07/2019, London, UK

  • Led the following research projects.
  • Designed and developed data acquisition infrastructures using Python.
  • Engaged with clients and investors to facilitate science communication.
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Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg

Investment Advisory Intern

06/2018 - 08/2018, Athens, GR

  • Derived optimal portfolios using efficient frontier theory with diversification and volatility constraints using R.
  • Designed, developed, and deployed a web application for portfolio management.
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iQom Ltd (now Epsilon Net)

Data Analyst Intern

08/2016 - 09/2018, Thessaloniki, GR

  • Performed exploratory data analysis of customer relationship management data using R and communicated results to management.
  • Modelled call arrival times using homogeneous Poisson processes.